Securing Your Legacy

Founded by Families to Serve Families


The Spencer Legacy Group is an ally to the professionals who work to advise high net worth individuals and families.

We do not provide wealth management advice, manage funds, or tell our clients how to run their businesses. We are experts in conflict resolution and help clients overcome dysfunction, generational challenges and family change. We provide a private environment in which clients feel safe enough, relaxed enough, and supported to address their most sensitive family and personal challenges. Often this is carried out in collaboration with the long-trusted and senior advisors to the family.

In certain types of conflicts, a family advisor may desire to have a third party manage the dispute resolution process to free them up to serve as advocates for the family, not getting caught up in the drama and “taking sides” that can endanger their position with family members.

Our Services to Professionals may be advisable during family transitions:

  • When family leadership changes
  • When professional services may come into question
  • When intra-family conflicts arise and are best handled by a third party
  • When family dynamics or decision-making are a challenge
  • At the time of, or preceding the illness or death of the wealth creator

Pros vs. the Family

“My mother ran our family business after my father died. There was tension with the professional managers who had served with my father. One of my brothers worked on the manufacturing side, and he wanted investment while my sisters wanted money out of the company. I tried to align everyone to save the company.”

‘It’s just Crazy’

“I’ve worked hard all my life. As a father, I want the most for my kids, but sometimes I just think some of them are whack jobs. I don’t understand why they reject me, our family business or our family success. It might just be easier to give it all to a foundation or good cause. It really eats away at me.”

Dad Died

“My dad always wanted me to become a physician and I did. When he died, I had to step up to run the family businesses as there was much conflict with my aging uncles. Our once close family was being torn apart and I was stunned there was so much bickering and distrust among my cousins and my brothers.”

Family Office Advisor

I was about to get violently chewed up between two siblings at war with one another and their dad. Using a third party to work through their differences preserved my trusted position.”