Securing Your Legacy

Founded by Families to Serve Families


What is Transition?

Transition is a passing from one conditition, form, stage, activity, place, etc. to another. It is the period of such passing. There comes a time in each of our lives – and in the life of families – when we reach a crossroad. Perhaps it is a time when we find ourselves burned out or considering a career change. Maybe it is a new lifestyle brought on by circumstances beyond our control, such as the death of a spouse or a divorce. For families, it may be the changing of the guard, new business or wealth generation opportunities, or coming to the end of past practices and models of wealth generation.

Sometimes, circumstances out of our control, such as globalization, changes in regulation or new technology innovation, impact on the way things have been and we must face the challenges of change. Whatever the change, whether it be perceived as an opportunity or a set back, individuals and families are faced with the challenges of transition in their individual or family lives.


Family Transitions

The need for family transition planning may occur because of aging leadership or changing family business models that impact on the wealth generation engine of the family. It may occur due to tension and challenges with inter-generational differences in values, lifestyles, individual family member needs and interests or dysfunctional personality differences that breed distrust, animosity, conflict or law suits that tear at the fabric of the family. On occasion, despite all the best efforts of wealth planning, tax and family office advisors, families get trapped and tripped up in the egos and emotions that come with intense family relationships. Family transition engagements are customized to the needs and interests of the family.

Individual Transitions

Individual transitions programs are designed to provide a thoughtful process of renewal for adults who are facing life or professional challenges and changes. We work with clients on a customized basis that engages the individual, with the beauty of nature and introspection. The process is intelligent, results-oriented and usually is conducted over five days. Many clients have called the program ‘a life changing experience.”

Couples Transitions

Couples transition programs are not therapy in the traditional sense, but rather guided problem solving, and intense 1:1 support for adults facing life changes that may affect the couple and their lifestyle, family, professions, geographic location, or the interconnected web of challenges that arise from a family business, divorce, aging parents, sick children, retirement, external relationships, or the stress of a combination of variables. Couples transition programs are usually conducted over 3-5 days.