Our Approach
Our Story
Will and Dayle Spencer met in 1985 as they prepared to negotiate a conflict. The successful resolution of that conflict resulted in the passage of national legislation ten-days later. They worked together for 5 years on internal civil wars, conflicts impacting US public policy and national change efforts to institutionalize efforts in preventive diplomacy before they married in 1990. They moved their blended family from Atlanta to Maui in 1994, where their children all graduated from Maui high schools before attending college on the mainland. Will and Dayle continued their professional work together on international conflicts and in 1992 started a business consulting practice, named Pangaea, serving many major global companies, and eventually creating the Maui Transitions Center.
The success of their model for helping clients with conflict and change has grown into a close network of professionals, each with extensive experience and successful careers in their own discipline, now focused together on helping high net worth families retain their family success and better manage the business of being a family. The experts in the Spencer Legacy Group understand and share a common mission to balance and align the natural emotional, financial and family-based values that are necessary to extend a family’s legacy across multiple generations.
Our Story
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